Traverse City, Michigan - Start Up
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No limits at the intersection of bold and feminine, my designs celebrate the strength and resilience of women entrepreneurs. I've chosen powerful fonts and vibrant colors to convey not just aesthetics but the essence of empowerment. The Boundless Futures deserves a digital presence as strong and captivating as their vision.
Strategy Kickoff
In just a few workshops, we jointly developed brand attributes, target audience, and corporate goals. These were not intended to create the perfect solution, but to land on quick decisions, to get commitment and to be able to act accordingly despite limited time and budget.
Attributes & Mission Statement
Brainstorming and prioritizing brand attributes in various categories help create the basis for a mission statement.
Culture: How would our community describe us?
Target Groups: How would we describe our target audience?
Voice: How do we want to sound to others?
Feeling: How do others feel after being in contact with us?
Impact: What tangible impact do we have on others?
The goal was to gather information for creating the future website design while allowing objective discussions about the findings.
Creating the Perfect Fit
Crafted with empathy and precision, these fictional characters embody the diverse traits, needs, and aspirations of our target users. By creating proto-personas, we navigate beyond demographics, diving into the psycho-graphics that shape decisions and emotions. Serving as a starting point, these were based purely on experience and assumptions.
Considerations for Design
Educational Resources:
Provide accessible information and resources about available grants and funding opportunities for women entrepreneurs.
Community Building:
Create a community-focused brand that encourages collaboration, mentorship, and support among women entrepreneurs.
Visual Representation:
Craft a brand that visually represents empowerment, innovation, and inclusivity to resonate with the aspirations and values of both Emily and Sarah.
Networking Opportunities:
Incorporate elements that facilitate networking opportunities, connecting aspiring entrepreneurs with experienced mentors and successful women in business.
Finding Visual Style
After our first workshop, every visual element is crafted with the intent to Empower, Embrace, and Elevate female entrepreneurs. Through vibrant colors, thoughtful typography, and compelling visuals. Three different design directions or stylescapes were created to present to the client before starting second workshop.
It was decided by the client to go with the second design approach. Gravitating towards the clean black and white imagery paired with bold design aesthetics to emphasize crucial information.
Information Architecture
Content Audit
To understand the site and its content I ran a content audit listing all available information and features. Based on this, we collectively decided what to keep, what to eliminate and how content may be integrated into a intuitive architecture.
Joint development of the sitemap, taking into account the defined proto-personas and the respective solutions to their problems and motivation as well as the objectives.
Building the Site Structure
In showcasing both low-fidelity and high-fidelity wireframes are essential for demonstrating the iterative design process and the evolution of ideas. As the design progresses to high-fidelity wireframes, intricate details and visual elements are added, giving the client a clearer picture of the final product's look and feel. This approach fosters collaboration, reduces misunderstandings, and ultimately leads to a more successful and satisfying outcome.
Looking back at the workshops, I tend to think focus faded due to too many previous discussions that built up over time in the multiple workshops. None the less, the workshops we held were extremely helpful in strategically moving forward. If we had more time, breaking up the workshops into shorter days would help keep the focus. In addition, the persona’s were valuable and exploring a few more would be beneficial.
I think I would try another approach in the design phase, one in which each person creates sketches of each landing page, comparing these various approaches and creating the best-of-version. Ideally going from quantity to quality.
Due to the flawless team collaboration, the project hardly had any revisions, for both the website structure or the visual style. To top it all off, Brandon Jenkins was by my side, observing me how I do workshop facilitation and giving me honest valuable feedback - this was sooo awesome! Thanks Man!
Explore more of The Boundless Futures Foundation here.